It's snowing today, as predicted :) It's so pretty to watch, but I don't have a great photo of it yet, so hopefully sometime later today! I'm really REALLY crossing my fingers that we'll get to leave early from work because there is so much that needs to get done!
I just realized I didn't take any pictures of the awesome Christmas gifts Nate got me last night :( He's just the sweetest, most amazing husband, and I'll be posting those later! Except this one:

As we were getting ready to leave today, Nate was shoveling the driveway and I was getting stuff together inside. Next thing I know, I turned around to walk out the door and saw BLOOD (gasp!) all over our "white" carpet! Apparently Keira cut her foot on something outside while the dogs were going to the bathroom and proceeded to bleed all over the place. She wasn't hurt, but Nate and I were on our hands and knees with carpet cleaner trying to get it out of the carpet. Unfortunately, there are going to be some stains, but we are (hopefully - fingers crossed) going to get hard floors (wood or tile) on the main level sometime this year. Hopefully.
When we got into work I went up to the front desk to claim a dollar the Coke machine ate (grrrrrr) and found a box of pears someone sent!

Yummmm, I love pears and can't wait to eat this!
Finally, a little pic of the dude (Bunker) to balance out Keira's portrait from yesterday:

It's a little blurry, but he's looking up in excitement at a box of soy nuts I was shaking to get his attention :) If you look closely, you can see a little drool coming out of the left side of his mouth!
Question: What are your holiday eating plans?
We are heading to the beach for a few days, just the two of us. I plan on making something special on Christmas day, I just haven't decided what yet!